How to Choose the Right Video Platform to Maximize Customer and Employee Engagement
It’s common for organizations to separate corporate and marketing video strategies – even going so far as deploying different technologies from one department to the other. While one side of the house is busy producing video for employees; the other is producing video targeted at customers. But cutting edge organizations are rethinking that cumbersome, siloed workflow, and getting lean and nimble with their enterprise-wide video strategies. And leading video platform providers are seizing the opportunity to provide them with a single, automated solution for internal and external video creation and publishing. Join this live webinar with Forrester analyst Phil Karcher to learn: • Findings from the latest Forrester Wave evaluation of enterprise video and webcasting platforms, and how leading solutions address corporate communications and training video needs. • The value of a joint customer/employee video strategy in capturing the culture and personality of your organization for external communications, and in aligning your internal brand with you external brand. • How leading organizations support comprehensive video publishing needs and create organic video capture and creation environments.
Phil Karcher, Forrester Research
3/19/2015 4:00:00 PM

Mediasite Showcase, video portal, enterprise video, video content management, video management, enterprise YouTube, corporate YouTube, lecture capture, video platform for business, YouTube for business, training video software, live streaming software Mediasite Showcase
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